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更新时间:2025-03-24 10:16:07

bill of rights

[bil ɔv raits]


名词复数: billsofrights

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1. a statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution)

1. 人权法案;权利法案
A Bill of Rights is a written list of citizens' rights which is usually part of the constitution of a country.

bill of rights的意思

1. bill of rights的近义词

1. 权力法案:比如对权力法案(bill of rights),美国不同的联邦大法官(judge of US supreme court)都可能持不同的解释. 有的大法官会认为宪政下,公民权力必须依据明文确定,不在宪法内罗列的权力(numerated rights)不受法律保护. 比如个人隐私权不在权力法案之内,

2. 权利宣言:永远都心痛,就前去一窥究竟.国家史料馆,有看国家宝藏这部电影的话,就知道这里是珍藏著独立宣言(Declaration of Independence),权利宣言(Bill of Rights)以及美国宪法(Constitution of the United States)等重要国家史料的地方.晚上,

Yet even in hospitals with the most eloquent bill of rights.(然而,即使在对病人的权益考虑得最周到的医院里。)
Ecuador's recent bill of rights for naturehas changed the legal status of nature from being simply property tobeing a right-bearing entity.(厄瓜多尔新的自然权利法案已经将自然的法律地位由简单的财产转变为具有权利的实体。)
Yet even in hospitals with the most eloquent bill of rights, believers in benevolent deception continue their age-old practices.(然而,即使在对病人的权益考虑得最周到的医院里,信奉“仁慈”欺骗的医生们继续他们传统的古老做法。)
What Mr Perlin wants is an intern bill of rights.(佩林想要的是一项关于实习生权利的法案。)
If the promised Bill of Rights were at odds with the convention, appeals would multiply.(若是承诺的权利法案与公约还是存在冲突,上诉可能会增多。)
Scrap it, and more British cases would head to the European court. Nor would much change if the government fulfils its ambition to create a British Bill of Rights.(废除人权法案将会使越来越多的英国案件移交到欧洲人权法院,尽管英国内阁制定并通过了权利法案,实现了它的雄心,这一境况也没有大的改变。)
Meanwhile, the White House threw its weight behind a push to establish tougher rules on the gathering of data on the web in a mooted "privacy bill of rights".(与此同时,白宫重磅推出正在酝酿的“权利隐私法案”,针对网络数据的采集将建立更加严格的法则。)
The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights.(前十次修正案叫做《民权法案》;)
The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties.(权力法案保护我们的个人自由。)
We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.(我们支持《权利法案》制定的呼吁。)
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